Why Tango

24 Reasons to Dance Tango

Ever heard about Argentinian Tango? The following 24 reasons to dance tango should convince you to try it. Let me let you in on a secret: it makes life a lot better 🙂

1. Hug

Did you know that a hug for more than 20 seconds produces feel-good hormones? Now imagine how many positive emotions can be generated within one evening! 

2. Improvisation 

The beauty of tango lies in its absolute freedom. It’s like a conversation – you can create something wonderful every time. Together. 

3. Milongas 

Isn’t it nice to escape everyday routine by dressing up nicely and going dancing? Milonga (aka tango evening) is the perfect place for that!

4. New Friends 

Tango creates a great opportunity to meet people from different countries and with various backgrounds. Wherever you go, you can find a local tango community! 

5. Connection 

There is this invisible thread that connects us with our partner, the floor, and music. You can’t see it, but you can feel it! 

6. Communication 

Like in a conversation, it’s not about knowing the words, but about how to connect them and deliver them in the sentence. It’s an active dialogue between Two! 

7. Therapy 

Tango can be therapeutic! Research shows a positive correlation between dementia and social dancing. 

8. To Learn to Listen 

Some would think that applies to followers only. Wrong! Both roles need to learn how to listen to the partner to enjoy the dance. 

9. To Remember

Like in the Eagles song: “Hotel California”: “Some dance to remember, and some dance… 

10. …to Forget! 
11. Dress up 

Whenever you are in a dead-end situation – dress up to feel yourself better, stand up and go dancing! 

12. Travel 

Once you are hooked – you start traveling for tango marathons, festivals, and encuentros to dance with new people and meet old friends. 

13. Love 

You never know when you meet your second half! So many couples were formed on the dance floor. 

14. To Get Drunk

without alcohol during the dance, а cocktail of hormones is produced. The Head gets dizzy. Pain in legs vanishes. Careful, a relapse is coming! 

15. Music 

Tango music is pure poetry in art. Rich in flavor as an expensive bottle of whiskey and addictive as caffeine. 

16. Hobby 

It starts as a hobby. Then becomes an addiction. One day you’ll find yourself in the Club of Anonymous Tangoholics saying: ‘My name is Kami and I’m a tango junkie’. 

17. Different Reality 

Milongas are like an entrance to the parallel world with their unique atmosphere, tango music, and elegant dancers. 

18. Always Room for Improvement

There is no sky in tango meaning that you will never get bored! 

19. Develop 

It’s really easy to develop new hobbies thanks to tango. Mostly in order to improve the dance. Like Pilates. Or Yoga. 

20. Learn about Argentinian Culture 

Eventually tango dancers end up drinking mate, learning Argentinian folklore, and going to Buenos Aires – the Mecca of tango. Don’t get surprised when you witness vegetarians eating Argentinian steaks one day. 

21. Ice Breaker 

Tango is a great conversational ‘ice breaker’ as you can guide people through interesting facts and tango terms. There is only one danger: a high chance you’ll get carried away with the topic and will end up talking for 3 hours non-stop. 

22. Balance 

Learn how to stand on the ground and keep your balance. Sometimes it’s a hide and sick game with the axis: you lose it and then you find it. 

23. Posture 

Dancing helps to develop a good posture. The development of the sedentary lifestyle has made it necessary for us to exercise and move more often for the sake of both our minds and bodies. 

24. Learn to Relax 

Since mastering tango takes a lifetime, let’s relax and enjoy the dance!

About the author:Kamila Mustafina Kamila Mustafina is a Munich-based tango dancer and enthusiast. Participant in the very first Tango Young Munich Project.
In December 2022 she updated daily her Instagram Stories with Advent Calendar – 24 reasons to dance tango. We loved it and asked if she’d like to share it with Tango Flow. Thank you, Kami!


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