How to Choose Tango Shoes?
We get this question from our students a lot, and it always makes us very happy as it shows interest and engagement. In this post, we share a few tips…
We get this question from our students a lot, and it always makes us very happy as it shows interest and engagement. In this post, we share a few tips…
After I created the Tango Gift Guide 2021, I didn’t think I would have enough ideas to make another similar post. But I decided to make a note whenever I…
This article was written by Lara Maria Stark from as part of cooperation between Tango Young communities. It is a workshop concept for tango dancers in Düsseldorf- so not…
In everyone’s tango path comes a moment to take the tango workshops with Masters. Professionals who dedicated their lives to dance on the highest possible level. They have clear ideas…
Did you ever wonder if it was weird if a guy took tango classes alone? What could people think? How to explain if someone asks who your partner is? How…
To write this Tango Gift Guide, I took a very subjective approach and chose things I really like. As a matter of fact, after I put the list together, I…